Saturday, July 10, 2010

The terrace of the old city

Ok I have to make this short but super informative blurb.

Today after our scheduled events, me and a couple others, Lucia and Rogelio headed out into the old city for casual walking and window shopping, later to meet up with Val who lead us to the Wailing Wall. As we entered a guard asked me where i was from. I got this a couple times already. It seems my Latin skin and dark hair make me stand out for them to question who and where I'm from.

Leaving the Jewish Quarter we entered the Muslim quarter. I bit different. It didn't seem as well kept as the other quarters, and as we walked through there were many military people with there big rifles walking around and just watching everyone. they did not bother us one bit but we did feel a bit uneasy and scurried out.
After hearing the Muslim prayers for the day over the loud speakers we climbed these steps into a beautiful little plaza area. from down below we see this nice little cafe/bar at the top roof of a building. We had been wanting to just hang out, have a cold one, and people watch. When we got to the top our jaws dropped at the amazing incredible views of the old city from within the city. all the quarters were visible, and our table faced the holy sepulchre and dome of the rock. extraordinary views.

We hung out had a great time laughing at the Arabic coffee which had mud at the bottom, and trying to figure out our cultural languages, me speaking Italian, Lucia speaking Portuguese, Rogelio in Spanish, and val dropped in a couple french lines. sitting for an hour or so mid day floating over the city of Jerusalem it was breath taking.

It has now become one of our favorite spots within the city to just sit back and enjoy the views and people. and you would think it was a pricey little restaurant. In America this would be the place for high real estate and 4 figure dinners. but it wasn't and the beer was great at 15 shekels (~$3) and interesting mixed dipping plates 20-30 shekels (~$5-8).
I would love to tell you the name but I might just keep this little treasured secret to myself, unless you can bribe me :) hahahahah


  1. Literally teared up when I read this. I am sooooo proud of you and happy that you are having such a beautiful and fun experience. I would of LOVED to have joined you... what am I thinking by working full time! lol Looking forward to reading more and hope you continue to love every second of it cuz guess what, you are bringing me there one day! :)

    Love ya!

  2. I love the pictures can you take panoramic more pictures


  3. i plan to come back, its made that much of an impressionin only a couple days. i want to go snorkeling in elat in the red sea next summer hopefully!! its beautiful.. thanks for the comments guys i like readingthem.
