Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Russia Experience

Lets see from the beginning. Whats the first thing that comes to your mind of Russia?

War? Third world? cold brutal? insensitive? Mocking? OK I wont continue.

For many years i have not only heard but seen on TV and newspapers, that Russia is a "sketchy" country. some people say you go and never are seen again. People do not like you or want to speak to you. Isn't that the experience we all get in foreign new places even within the same country?

The days leading up to my flight out of NYC into Moscow were very tense. I was nervous (even though i tried to hide it). Everyone told me to watch out, be careful, they don't like Americans.

Piss off.

The first day in Moscow was intense, very few spoke English, but it is not the first time any of us have encountered a language barrier issue. So we went along with it, got lost of course for a little while, settled in to our hotel, napped off the jet lag. and boom we through our selves into the mix and began taking the metros, walking the streets, buying tons of water and soda off street vendors, seeing the sites. I admit it was difficult when some Russians did not want to speak to us as soon as they heard us speak English. but not at one point did I feel uncomfortable. The one time and only time i thought twice was this random Russian, in the middle of the night walking up to me and asking a question and then said "you are American, no?" (in my horrible Russian accent). he laughed and said somethings, and i responded but showed no interest. He continued to tell me, "lighten up, Russians will not bite your head off, and i don't want your money, I like to hear Americans talk, they talk funny!" hahah what a response. They are normal people and I was the one being stand offish.

There is a small list i created in my time in Russia I would like to share with you. you could say they are 'do's and 'don'ts... :

1 drink vodka (especially on plane)

2 smile allot

3 don't wait to put bags in overhead bin

4 eat the chocolate cake!

5 don't eat the fish

6 watch the Russian cartoons (more vodka better)

7 don't order fruit punch you ll end up settling for orange juice anyways

8 smile some more

9 take train not taxi

10 take metro not taxi

11 eat steak with red sauce

12 don't take picture of police man

13 buy soda from street vendors

14 don't talk to metro ladies just use fingers for how many

15 Russian women are beautiful and they like to know it

16 learn thank you and good bye, that's about it (spasiba and do svidanya)

17 don't touch wooden carriages

18 antibacterial for nose not hands, it smells

19 don't forget to nap, the sun wont go down for you

etc... i cant continue the list but just enjoy even the LITTLE THINGS!

St. Petersburg was beautiful. and Moscow was too,but st Pete is as they say the Venice of the east.

a bit more friendly here, a bit more English here, and even though for the first time ever i was pick pocketed, it is probably the only city in the world not even including in the states where your wallet will be found within the hour! haha no money in it of course but nonetheless they had the courtesy to turn it in with my ids and gift cards, health insurance, family photos haha

drinking a couple beers on the street watching people is the best thing to do in any city, and in st Pete by the church on spilt blood right on the river watching the tourist and vendors interact was very entertaining and relaxing. i hope that i can return one day to Russia because it is not as scary as people say, maybe in the days of war but not anymore.

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