Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sourthern Israel

Southern Israel was a lot less vegetated. It was the Negev, The Desert! hahaah there was sand and mountains everywhere. We passed by the dead sea but were returning later this week to swim and put mud all over ourselves.

The first thing we did when we arrived in Eilat was to go to the underwater observatory. The red sea is full of HUGE beautiful coral reefs. and this whole area from aqaba, Jordan, eilat, Israel, and taba Egypt are lined with miles of live and vivid reefs.

The aquarium was like any others you go to but they have an entire observatory structure under the water right in the middle of the reefs. Amazing sites.
We spent some time at the center of the city and the beaches. and were getting ready for petra the next day.

On the way back up we made a couple of stops in the desert like the 'crater', Ben Gurions house (their George Washington), and even a drip system factory for irrigation. All very interesting but we were exhausted and hurting from the ride up. But we did drive through an active military zone with huge tanks and weapons fields! There were even military guys in the McDonald's!

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