Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jordan - Petra

If you want to read the pictures in the correct order start from the end and work your way up. sort of like reading the Hebrew script, backwards haha

Standing on top of the ridges that look down into Petra.

Finally my camel ride and for only 3 dinars (~4.50$)

A great view looking from the top of the gorge to the ground.

The infamous Treasury of Petra. One of the few well intact facades left on the mountain walls. The rest have been worn away by sand sun water and wind.
The entrance to see the Treasury building was quite intimidating. small gaping crevices lead you to slowly unveil the enormous facade of this building.

Heading into one of the wonders of the world. Keeping in mind the last remaining ancient wonder of the world is the great pyramid at Giza, so in 2007 the list was revised to include existing structures. One of which was Petra. (An ancient spice trade route stop from India to the roman empire, through Arabia and the red sea into modern day land of Israel ending in Gaza where it would then be shipped to Rome.

These guys were all over the city. Either the people like them or the people are forced to like them. but from what locals and our tour guide said it seems as if the Jordanian Government provides well for its people. Not luxury but at least a life.
Our day takes us into Jordan. One of the wonders of the Arab world hhahah not as small as UAE but not as important as Saudi Arabia.

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