Sunday, July 25, 2010

Military influence

I felt like I had to make a quick mention of the military things we've seen past and present.
So driving up to Golan and Galilee, we saw many tanks just sitting in bunker holes not in use from the past wars. Either a sign of strength or a sign of neglect these massive tanks line the roads on the way north with nothing but rusting barbed wired around in the fields.
Through out Israel you sea these barriers. whether they are concrete or just wire mesh somewhere in the time line they served for something or are still being used. Within Bethlehem walls divide Palestine and Israel. further afield, fences and walls divide what used to be the hostile boundaries of Israel and Jordan, and further north even smaller fences divide agriculture fields between Israel Syria and Lebanon.

As far as current military presence, not only can you see it in the many adults and even kids that walk around with rifles in their hands but in the air. Not to side track but children of Israel men and women are required to serve in the military after schooling. but anyways, if you look in the air every now and then you will see fighter jets scrambling in the air going from corner to corner of the state. thankfully its not a big country so I'm sure it doesn't take long for jets to get from ones side to another.
But keep in mind, It is NOT a war zone over here haha quite the opposite it is very quiet. And there isn't too much to worry about but as long as the Palestine-Israel problem gets resolved so to will the Arab countries begin to back off the Jewish state.

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