Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nothern Israel

It has been 2 weeks and we finally set sail for northern Israel. Our stops on the way include many archaeological finds and ancient cities. The very first stop was the Inn of the Samaritan where a bunch of mosaics were found.
We stayed at a kibbutz on the southern edge of the lake (the Sea of Galilee), the infamous sea from the bible stories of Jesus. We did many things, such as go up on top of the Golan Heights area and view the lake and small towns around it. we were told that not too long ago Syria and Jordan owned many borders close to this area and continued to shell mortars down into the area until Israel had enough and within six days took the entire mountainous area away from Syria.
We went to many national parks, one of them included the site where they filmed Jesus Christ Superstar. They left the fiber glass tree on top of the hill that Judas hung himself from in the movie. We went to the forest areas of the Golan with rivers and waterfalls, with many temples and synagogues that have been found and dug up. we went into Tiberius the famous fishing town, and also on top of the mountain of beatitudes were we took in more breath taking sites of the Galilee area.

We ate one night at a fish restaurant in another kibbutz near by. We all had mostly St. Petersfish which is just really tilapia, but they fried it up whole just the way we like it and had a great garlic sauce they poured on top. The restaurant had a beautiful view of Tiberius on the other side of the lake and as the sun went down behind the mountains we could see the lights from the city across begin to light up.
The Kibbutz itself wasn't too overly amazing. It had great rooms with small kitchens and nice bathrooms and had a huge breakfast feast that only some not all can eat from haah but the pool area was nice the tiki bar was fun of course but the lake shores were a bit uninviting with all the weeds and grass and the smell of bay water, cuz after all its a lake not a sea with a beach.
We eventually went to the top of Mt. Carmel, to see a carmelite convent. It was interesting and had a modest chapel. beautiful gardens. But we kept being interrupted by these fighter jets just buzzing around from the near by air force base.
The Jordan river isn't as big as we had expected. But it did provide some interesting sites. Such as the baptismal site of Jesus. I wanted to get baptised at first but I thought it wouldn't seem right if i was doing it just to do it and not be spiritual about it. However, Jason did do the baptism with a priest from Thailand or somewhere over there. It was awesome and I also took some water from the river in the bottles they give you.

Eventually we were in our way home and we stop in a few places as well as Caesaria. It was so beautiful it deserves its own blog. haha

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