Saturday, July 17, 2010

Western Wall

Today we went to see the western wall. Considered to be one of the most holiest places for the Jewish faith. The reason behind it is because it is the last remaining part of the original temple grounds which had been destroyed twice and never rebuilt. it is the wall leading up the the fortress but not the temple walls themselves. The Holy of Holies was kept in the temple and therefor the Jews pray at the closest part of the fortress wall to where the H of H would have been.

We took an underground tunnel tour that led us actually to the closest part of the wall that was the closest to the H of H. but since it is a tunnel and not enough room for even 10 people the mass of Jewish faith pray on the outside where it is easily accessed. The stones at the base of the wall in this tunnel that had been excavated are over 30 feet in length and easily 15+ feet in height. Starting at this point you can see these are Herodian walls, then Turkish wall when the ottomans took over and rebuilt some walls for fortification, and also crusader period walls.

The area surrounding the western wall is flanked by the Jewish quarter and the Muslim quarter. markets of all sorts and covered streets filter you into the space. however there is no formal entry into this holy place. And that's when I decided maybe as my project I can device a way to create a series of spaces and journeys that lead up to the wall for the experience of the ancient times.

When people used to see the temple mount from afar, enter the city, see large walls and steps, ascend the steps into a courtyard that led to another series of walls hiding the temple, until you finally ascended into the space and saw the full expanse and height of the temple. Working with this I am taking a series of stairs, where currently security control is placed, and possibly redesigning the entrance at this one location where it actually descends now into the area rather then in ancient times where it ascended.

There are many other entrances into the western wall plaza so for those not wanting to take the story route they have options, but i plan to create a sense of anticipation and wonder as you transition from the busy crowded market spaces to the calm open area in front of the wall. by showing glimpses of the wall but not in its entirety as you continue i hope to evoke the feelings of long awaited suspense as people in the ancient times used to travel to make there required visits to the temple. there is this idea that when you see a piece of the vertical through a sliver between two building you might remember a postcard you once saw, by seeing the top Crest of the wall you wonder how tall it actually is and the small glimpse reminds of books you used to read in school, by framing out a large stone using vegetation and windows one might think of how people way back when used to look out there windows and see these large walls but maybe not see the entire wall.

It needs some fleshing out but as far as space is concerned i think it would be a much deserved entrance to the holy site rather then just walking down straight steps into a small tight security box and then coming out right on to the hoards of people praying.

(The fotos didnt load for some reason check the following blogs for fotos of this day)

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