Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jerusalem Pics 2

Stores in Mamilla (new shopping district)

Models of old city, at Israel museum and dead sea scrolls (no pictures allowed of scrolls.

"Divid'l"'s infamous jokes hahahah


Someone brought up a question about making calls in israel. How to make local or long distance. Then we somehow started talkking about immigrations of jewish people from around ther world not necessarily answering the question of why they believe its their land but rather why where they in other places to begin with.

D's quote of the day: You know folks, the rreason they come here is baceasue this is God's land. Its the only place you can call him on local telephone.


Trying to get a cab back to the PBI from the Israel Museum. Were talking about how to make the taxis use the meter not just charge you a flat fee. Either pointing or trying to say it in hebrew haha i dont know whats worse.

D's quote of the day: You guys must know one simple thing, there are three kinds of people in Israel. (no not christian muslim and jewish) but... the good, the bad, and the taxi cabbers.


So walking around Modi'in, new city, the architect was explaining he wanted palm trees to not bear fruit so he got all mail, but after one year they all had dates on the palm trees so he realized there where females in the mix.
D's quote of the day: "So you guys know, that the males and the female palm trees after a while being together started having 'dates'"


Ok so exiting the holy sepulchre someone brings up the question about smoke in the church, while i also ask about all these pipes Divid'l and Julie keep smoking, and how since im going to turkey id like to pick a nice one up.

D's quote of the day: "So listen kids, do you know what it is when I smoke in the church?... its called holy smoke! ;)

Dead Sea Scrolls and Old Jerusalem model (no fotos)

So today we went to finally see the long awaited 'dead sea scrolls'. The museum was pretty intense although it seemed like we didn't get much time to sit around and sketch or absorb anything but then again i do guess we have to be back to pbi in time for lunch for everyone.

The scrolls were pretty cool some where hard to read and others were almost perfect. I didn't know that the main scroll on display was a copy or as they call it 'facsimile'. the environment in that museum was very dark and cold and the floors were slippery. it definitely made you feel like you were going down into a cave to see where they were found.

Also so I don't leave out the model. there was a model of the ancient city of Jerusalem based off only excavations and findings not theories or assumptions which i think is awesome. They changed it or add to it or take away anytime they find something that alters the city plan in any way.

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take any fotos of the scrolls so i don't have any to show you but in the next blog you can see fotos of the model and see how big it was compared to a person.