Thursday, July 29, 2010

Swimming in Eilat

Eilat was one of the most amazing cities I have been to. Jerusalem we all know is the center of the world. But as Dividl tells us, 'the jewish people go to Jerusalem to pray and come to Eilat to play!'

The area reminded me of home in Miami, with the nice beaches and warm water, the bars and music in the background. the only difference is I cant see the Bahamas or Cuba from the beach but in Eilat you can see four different countries just by sitting in the water. Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. What an experience.

Swimming was a lot of fun because the water was perfect temperature although later in the night it dropped down to be cool very quickly. we sat in the water no lie from like 430 to 830 and kept
having our waiter bring us drinks.

Then we even got to have a great enormous dinner with fried fish, salads, drinks and all right on the water. It was an experience to have had dinner right on the red sea as the sun was going down over the Egyptian and Israeli mountains.

If I was to ever come back to Israel, This city would be High on my priority because there's not many cities like this especially with 4 countries on all sides, enormous coral reefs, and a culture unlike any other in the world. after all it is the "Jewish State of Israel".

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