Saturday, July 10, 2010


The Pontifical Biblical Institute is an interesting place. First arriving here it seemed like a fortress. once inside the grounds, you see beautiful landscaped gardens thanks to Youssef, and wonderful separate small resting areas to reflect, read a book, even do what I do lay down and look up at the trees and sky.

We must where pants inside because Father Doan, Our superior of the house, is very strict when it comes to respect and order, but he is a very fun guy to chat with. Father Jerome is our minister who sees to it the daily life of the complex is running in order, go to him for requests. The have there own chapel for mass where neighbors and residents can have nightly prayers and services. Which by the way, i was "chosen" more like forced hah to read the first book and psalm the other night and i haven't read in years, let alone go to mass regularly. Nervous and embarrassed haha

The first floor is the kitchen and lunch area. You can mingle with all sorts of people from more permanent or long term residents or transients who are form all over the world and stay here. or use the library which is a magnificent and huge library called the Stadium Biblicum Franciscanum Biblioteca.

Break fast is on your own in the morning before 830, after that if Father Doan catches you, just start praying haha Lunch is surprisingly the heavier meal of the day instead of dinner. There is tons of fresh fruits from the gardens like the pomegranates, figs, and grapes. They have a wonderful cook and we sit in the dining area and all mingle and have our usual 'family meetings' with the professor to talk about the next days schedule or just inquiries.
Dinner is quite amazing. we eat outside in the nice early evening breezes,and sit around tables chatting up with many people we've met from around the world. From archaeologists, to priests, to professors from other universities such as Boston, Notre Dame, Chicago.
The rooms themselves are quite interesting, not as lavish as some of ours from back home but definitely large and spacious with any piece of furniture you could think of including personal writing/drafting tables. Beautiful views.
Now my friend Rogelio got a macdaddy room with a huge balcony facing the king David hotel with its beautiful exteriors and pool. but what he doesn't have is the view from my room that looks out over the old and new city and i can see all these Muslim minarets, and christian steeples, and most importantly parts of the christian quarter where the holy sepulchre is. hands down anywhere in this building you get great views.

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