Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Temple Mount

The day of the Temple Mount! we were all excited. but something was looming over my shoulders I could tell since I woke up.
We had been waiting forever to finally go see the iconic Dome of the Rock up close and in person. It was incredible, beautiful, enormous, unlike any mosque I had ever seen before, quite the jewel for the Muslims in the city.

Unfortunately, not to make this entry too short. as early as it was and as many other sites as we had planned to see such as the pools of Bethesda, the garden at Gethsemane, st. Anne's. It was at the temple of the rock where I collapsed in my mind of exhaustion. I was embarrassed even frightened to tell anyone that something horrible was wrong. but I couldn't wait any longer. the day was over for me just as it was beginning, and my journey back to bed, and the restless rough night of pain which no one could see or maybe they sensed it but i tried so hard to hold back from everyone, began. Little old joshie fell victim to food poisoning that had been building inside over the night and had finally taken control in front of the beautiful Dome.

Although I am well recovered, I currently and so week walking in the sun and trying to stay up for meetings was quite hard. the next day i wasn't demanded to go to a lecture our professor had set up but I did not want to keep missing things especially from 'lulic' who is so highly talked about. he gave a great presentation on the current status of the city, a little bit of history and then a possible future for Jerusalem be it peace or separation with peace. I'm glad i didn't miss that even though i felt so weak.

To see more images of the temple mount please go to the links for my friends blogs. they continued the treck through the day as i resigned into the background.

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