Friday, July 30, 2010

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea was long awaited but very very inspiring. Approaching the water’s edge there was sign after sign in all sorts of languages warning not to submerge your head under water!! That was freaky, swimming in water you can’t put your head into?! Come on? Haha immediately going in we could feel something different. The water left almost an oily slick feeling on our skin. You can smell the salt and mud as others played around in it.

Reaching a point where we can get in and swim we were absolutely amazed at how easy it is to float. And not just float I mean that water was almost trying to push you out of it. Normally in the beaches we swim at the water goes up to your neck and you float about there, in the Dead Sea almost all of my upper body wanted to come out of the water.

Forget about lifting your feet while you’re standing, you don’t move your feet to stay afloat but to balance you from flipping over as the water tries to push your legs up out of the water. It was quite impressive and now I understood why so many have told us “you have to swim in the Dead Sea but trust me it was my first and last and you won’t want to be in more than a few minutes.” I, being from a place surrounded by beaches and loving to swim I was like how can this be. But after a while that salt find every scratch and pour in your body you didn’t even know you had and the oily feeling becomes annoying.

And when you decide to play with the mud and rub it all over your body and let it dry, you start itching as the salt just dries right on your skin. Let me tell you I had a lot of fun, I would do it again and again given the opportunity to be in such a country ever again. But I probably wouldn’t be in more then 15-20 minute’s hahaha.

The views of the salt forming around the seas edge are very impressive. I’ve never seen anything like it. I think it should be one of the natural wonders of the world. Unfortunately we’ve seen tons of factories and private companies taking tons and tons of salt from the sea, hopefully the sea will last a few more generations.

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